IT Network design can be as simple or as complex as your business requirements dictate. Network cabling infrastructures, hardware, network security and the human resources to manage and operate such networks is a major business investment. By designing an IT Network  that is fit for purpose but able to easily expand, this investment can be protected. This topic is quite in depth. Here we only scratch the surface.


The cable infrastructure is the foundation of any network. This must be flexible, robust and capable of meeting the networking speeds that are demanded of it. Like any foundation, get it wrong and what ever sits on top of it will eventually collapse. Network cabling infrastructure will probably be a mixture of fiber and copper cable. This will depend on a number of factors such as building size and layout, application demands, data transmission speed and data center requirements.
Remember this is the foundation of your network. It must be right as it is expected to far outlive the hardware that you will place on top of it.


Network hardware will consist of switches, routers, Wi-FI Access Points (WAP's) and security devices such as firewalls. This market place is a busy place ! Such hardware is designed for meeting various needs, from simple networking to high throughput data center infrastructures. The key is identifying what equipment best suites your own business needs and your potential future requirements. Quite often organisations purchase the most powerful switches on the market when the applications they are running on the desktop will drive a 100 Mbps network to about 5% capacity.  Other factors that have to be considered must include the, technical skill levels available in your organisation, network management tools that are available, equipment end of life and of course CAPEX and OPEX of such an investment. 


There is a considerable amount to discuss within IT Network Infrastructure design. Far to much to go into here. Why not contact us and we shall be more than happy to discuss your requirements in detail with you.